Thursday, 21 November 2019

Functional Medicine Is All You Need For faster Recovery

You are unique and everything that takes place inside you is also unique. The way you deal with your health and medical conditions will define the healthiness.

Undoubtedly, modern medical science has developed. The biggest change in this direction is Functional medicine. Let’s find out what makes this one of the best methods available at the current times.

The advantages of functional medicines:

The functional medicines act upon your unique bodily wrong systems and genetics. That means they are designed to serve you the best since they approach uniquely to your problems. The best part is that you can quickly heal or deal with the conditions in a better manner because they are simply designed according to your body’s functionality.

It would be just like customized medicine that only acts according to what your body needs. And if you are looking for the functional medicine provider, then you should be ideally picking us.

Why should you pick us?

·         We are the specialists in this functional medicine field
·      Combined with our experience in this field and our expertise, you are going to get the best cure for all the   medical conditions
·         We are quite patients centric and that makes us a little more compassionate and cist friendly because you are   going to get the best medicines from us at a good cost

If you have been looking for Candida treatment Esher, then all you should do is to just visit our official site and have a look at the medicines that Vitality Expression offers for the cure of various medical conditions.

For more information please visit:

Monday, 4 November 2019

How I help my clients with leaky gut syndrome with Functional Medicine?

The main symptoms of leaky gut will be abdominal discomfort, bloating, constipation, gas, indigestion, pancreatic insufficiency and food intolerances. However, they can easily also be respiratory issues like allergies, asthma, rhinitis or shortness of breath. Other very common signs that you may have leaky gut syndrome is arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, recurrent bladder infections, unexplained fatigue, chronic muscle or joint pains, and nervousness or anxiety.

This is one of the reasons why each time that I have a client that comes to me with rheumatoid arthritis or asthma, for example, I investigate the health of their digestive system first and foremost. When I address any of the above with functional medicine, my first  line of action is not dealing directly with the arthritis or with the asthma, but dealing with increased gut permeability before anything.
Once I get the results back from the lab, I can then devise a comprehensive and advanced strategy involving and anti-inflammatory diet that involves removal of offending foods and other toxins, and addition of potent healing foods that help in healing the gut lining; targeted nutrients to support healing of this injured gut mucosa, like cabbage juice, Zinc, quercetin and L-Glutamine in therapeutic doses; good bacteria that promotes a healthy immune response, like probiotics (L.Plantarum) and prebiotics like FOS (fructooligosaccharides); potent anti-inflammatory agents like curcumin, aloe vera, and colostrum, all in therapeutic doses. I also make sure that my client is digesting her foods properly and if there’s the need (I see this in the lab tests’ results), I prescribe hydrochloric acid (HCL), pancreatic enzymes, and bile. 

Stress management and yoga with pranayama (which alkalizes the intestinal environment) are also part of my lifestyle prescriptions for leaky gut syndrome. 

For more information please visit:

For more information please visit: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Natural Treatment

We Have More Personalized Approach to Treat Health Issues

When you are looking at medical science, you are bound to get amazed by the development that the current world is witnessing. And the lat...