Monday, 21 October 2019

High cholesterol is protective and helps people live longer

For decades conventional medicine has warned us about the dangers of having high cholesterol. It can kill us, they have repeated over and over again. This belief has permeated all planes of society and you can see its effects even in children’s canteens and street restaurants! Cholesterol will definitely kill you! Stay away from it! Eat a low fat diet or suffer the consequences! Their usual argument is that there thousands of studies that prove it, as well as the WHO guidelines that were created by the world’s greatest experts. This document argues that saturated fat raises cholesterol. 

But the main problem here, which these people have never questioned before, is that…. cholesterol is not a disease! So high level of it cannot be a disease either!

Do we really shorten our lifespan or develop a mortal cardiovascular disease by eating saturated fats?

To claim that saturated fat raises cholesterol is not enough and the theory or proposition that high cholesterol is a a risk factor for having a heart attack or a stroke is only a hypothesis. The evidence that proves these people wrong abounds in the scientific community but it has been silenced. Here’s some evidence that the cholesterol myth is a hoax and that saturated fat is not our enemy, but our friend!

Let’s start by saying that research has found that high cholesterol is advantageous.
More than 20 studies have shown that elderly people with high cholesterol live longer than elderly people with low cholesterol. 

The Maasai tribe from Kenya and Tanzania have the lowest cholesterol ever measured in healthy people. However, they have a diet based on raw red meat and animal blood and a whopping percentage of what they eat is high in saturated fat. 

Studies have revealed that the cholesterol of people who usually gorge on saturated fat is on average no higher than the cholesterol of people who avoid saturated fat. Can you believe this! This is true!

For more information please visit: Natural Cholesterol Medicine

For more information please visit: Individualised Medicine in Virginia Water

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Cholesterol: friend or foe? What if high cholesterol was not the problem?

The belief that high levels of cholesterol in your body will kill you, is nothing but a myth and a hoax! The conventional approach which knows little to nothing about nutrition, will insist on this negative belief. But the functional medicine approach, based on nutrition and on how each cell in the body utilizes food and nutrients to produce energy and promote optimum functionality of all organs and tissues, definitely knows better!

Cholesterol is a natural compound created by the human body itself. If you decide to eat a low-fat diet because your doctor has scared the heck out of you with the nefarious effects eggs or red meat will have on your health, and you remove all cholesterol from your meals to comply with this apparently sane prescription, your own body will go bananas without exogenous (dietary) cholesterol and will start producing its own cholesterol at the liver. You see, each cell in the body has a receptor for cholesterol meaning that cholesterol is absolutely essential for the proper function of the whole body. If you deprive your system from foods naturally high in cholesterol, like cheese, eggs, red meat, etc., your body will suffer! In the absence of this fatty acid, your live will take over and will start making cholesterol to compensate for its absence in your diet.

Whilst high levels of cholesterol have been shown to be protective, if the ratio between high density lipoproteins and total cholesterol is out of range, or your ratio of triglycerides to high density lipoproteins is high, this is called dyslipidemia and your cardio-vascular or cardio-metabolic health will be at risk.

In functional medicine we rebalance all these metabolic abnormalities with advanced wellness strategies based primarily on a healing diet, on targeted nutrients, on exercise, on yoga and on stress management techniques. Our advanced wellness programs are individualised to you and to you only. We don’t follow any medical book according to your symptoms. We listen to your unique story, we investigate your biochemical imbalances with functional lab tests, and out of the lab results we devise a unique and individualised program to help your body enhance wellness and build optimum health again.

For more information please visit: Natural Cholesterol Medicine

For more information please visit: Advanced Wellness Programs in Esher

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